Friday, December 31, 2010
St. Sebastian the Martyr

Quote of the Day: St. Irenaeus of Lyons
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Quote of the Day: St. Ignatius of Antioch
Nativity Services Disrupted in Turkish-Occupied Cyprus
Bulgarian Orthodox Protest Restoring Apollo Statue
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Quote of the Day: St. Augustine of Hippo
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Russian Orthodox Diocesan Assembly in Sydney
'Orthodox' Beer Featured in Porn Flick
Bulgaria Fails to Extradite Macedonian Archbishop
Quote of the Day: St. Ignatius of Antioch
Monday, December 27, 2010
Session of Russian Orthodox Holy Synod
In other appointments Bishop Petr of Hîncesti, auxiliary to Metropolitan Vladimir of Chisinau and Moldova, was elected Bishop of Ungeni and Archimandrite Nikodim (Vulpe) was elected Bishop of Edineţ and Briceni (another diocese of the Orthodox Church in Bessarabia).
And lastly, a friend of mine and my confessor during my months in Nizhniy Novgorod, Archpriest Igor Pchelintsev of St. Alexander of the Neva's Cathedral, has been transferred to the patriarchal Russian Orthodox Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem to serve the dependency of St. Tabitha's Church in Jaffa, Israel.
The full report on the Holy Synod session can be found here.
Quote of the Day: St. Basil the Great
Sunday, December 26, 2010
"Progression of a Convert"

University Exams in Egypt Rescheduled
Bishop Teodosije Enthroned in Prizren
Sunday in Edmonton
President al-Assad Congratulates Orthodox on Feast Day
Quote of the Day: St. Ephraim of Syria
To be a witness for the pupils who come after me:
Be constantly praying, day and night;
As a ploughman who ploughs again and again,
Whose work is admirable.
Do not be like the lazy ones in whose fields thorns grow.
Be constantly praying, for he who adores prayer
Will find help in both worlds.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
"An Englishman in Orthodoxy"
Muted Christmas Celebrations in Kerala
St. Herman of Alaska

Constantinople's 'Iron Church' to be Restored

Macedonia Upholds Church Calendar
Quote of the Day: St. Basil the Great
Friday, December 24, 2010
Quote of the Day: St. Isaac of Nineveh
Thursday, December 23, 2010
"I'll Fly Away, O Glory, I'll Fly Away..."

In the meantime the quotes of the day as well as the feast and saints' days will post as they're scheduled, but unless something catches my eye on an airport television screen or comes to me by word of mouth during my New Year's pilgrimage to the "Fourth Rome" (and a fifth there shall not be! ;-) ), I won't be posting until after I've returned from

I wish everyone on the Gregorian calendar a merry Christmas, Westerners throughout the world a happy New Year, and all the Orthodox on the church calendar a saving last few days of the Prophets' Fast! Your prayers as I travel - you are in mine.
Pictured are Edmonton (upper right) and the countryside near the Fourth Rome (lower left), around this time of year. Brrr!
Iraqi Christians to Petition for Autonomous Assyrian Province

Long after their empire ceased to exist Assyrians continued to live in their heartlands on the plains and in the mountains of what today are northern Iraq, western Iran, southeastern Turkey, and northeastern Syria. Along with the Armenians the Assyrians suffered the first modern genocide at the hands of the Turks and the Kurds in the early 1900s during World War I as payback for their support for invading Russian armies, which they had hoped would liberate their homeland from Arab Muslim rule for the first time in over a millennium. Between 500,000 and 750,000 Assyrians were murdered in the Genocide, which eventually forced most into the Diaspora, among them the patriarch of the Church of the East (who now resides in the Chicago area). More information on the national tragedy of the Seyfo, the Assyrian Genocide, can be found here.
More on the petition and the prospects for an Assyrian province can be found here.
Pictured is the memorial to the Assyrian Genocide in Kiev, Ukraine.
South Ossetian Bishop on Leave

Pictured is Bishop George of Tskhinvali and Alania [South Ossetia].
Beit Jala Parish Protests Visit of Theophilus III to Bethlehem
The predecessor of Theophilus III, Patriarch Irenaeus I (Skopelitis), was removed from the Patriarchate for selling land to Israelis, so the failure of the new patriarch to stand up for the interests of his flock and to serve instead the interests of the predominantly Greek Brotherhood of the Holy Sepulcher (which administers the Patriarchate and the holy sites of Palestine) has come as a great disappointment to the Palestinian Orthodox faithful. In addition to his mishandling of church property in the Holy Lands Patriarch Theophilus also recently abandoned the Jerusalemite Orthodox faithful in North America under pressure from the Phanar, transferring them to the jurisdiction of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America.
More on the Beit Jala protests can be found here.
Article on the Zabaleen
A Review of Dawn Treader
Mubarak Calls for Toning Down of Religious Rhetoric
Christian Exodus from Iraq Continues
Session of the Georgian Orthodox Holy Synod
Imprisoned Derg Members to Appeal Sentences
Russian Judge Protests Strasbourg Ruling
Much of modern Russian society is strongly homophobic as well as racist and minorities of any variety face a variety of challenges in everyday life. Some progress has been made since the collapse of the USSR, but when I studied in central Russia in late 2006 my friends from Malaysia, Kenya, and other ethnically distinct regions were afraid to go out in public alone or even in pairs for fear of being beaten or killed. The treatment of women is also atrocious, being much closer to the norms of 1950s America than 21st century Europe.
I disagree with the judge's statements in principle, but the audacity of Moscow Pride's organizers amazes me still. Russia and Russian society have a long, long way before being non-Russian will be acceptable, much less being gay or lesbian...
Quote of the Day: St. Augustine of Hippo
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Kursk Icon Visits Columbus
Foundation Established for Russian Orthodox External Affairs Department
Upper Nazareth Mayor Bans Christmas Decorations
"Liturgical Renewal"

Pictured is St. Mary's Ruthenian Catholic Church in Sheppton, Pennsylvania. Its iconostas is a good example of the latinizations formerly (and currently?) common in Byzantine Catholicism, although it is more substantial than was often the case in pre-Vatican II Ruthenian Catholicism.
"Mixed Attitudes: Interethnic and Interreligious Marriages Remain Common Despite Criticism"
Muted Holiday in Gaza

Pictured is an Orthodox church in Gaza.
Pope Shenouda Meets with Mubarak
Iraqi Churches Cancel Nativity Celebrations
Greek Orthodox Metropolitan Blasted for Anti-Semitic Comments
Turkish Influence in Gagauzia a Threat to Russia

Pictured is a map of the region of Gagauzia in the former Soviet republic of Moldova.
Ilia II Made Locum Tenens of Sukhumi Eparchy
Quote of the Day: St. Ephraim of Syria
"Martyred Priest Daniel Sysoev and American Orthodox Missionary Work"
St. John of San Francisco on the Ecumenical Patriarchate
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Order Renews Chinese Translation Grant
Al Qaeda-Affiliated Website Threatens Copts

Nearly a hundred other Copts living in other parts of the world were also listed on the website. Copts living in Canada said they had no one to fear save God and have already begun talking with the Canadian police, but also stated that they were concerned for those Copts named on the website who live in Egypt, where the government's commitment to their security is nominal at best. More here.
Pictured is a Coptic Orthodox church in Canada.
CIS Official Calls for an International Jerusalem
Latvian President Visits Patriarch Cyril in Moscow
In stark contrast to neighboring Estonia, in Latvia the national government has regularized the legal standing of the Latvian Orthodox Church, allowing it to care for Orthodox Christians in the armed forces, protecting its property against claims from schismatic groups, and designating the Nativity (according to the traditional calendar) as a national holiday.
More on the Latvian president's visit with the patriarch can be found here.
Quote of the Day: St. Isaac of Nineveh
Vladyka Job's Memorial in Black Lick

Also pictured is St. John's, the parish in Black Lick. Vladyka Job is buried outside the altar to the east of the church.
1898 Photos of Holy Nativity Church
Monday, December 20, 2010
St. Mary's Malankara Orthodox Cathedral in Kuala Lumpur
"Ecclesia Americana" by K. Myers
Quote of the Day: St. Augustine of Hippo
Forward in Faith in Australia Begins to Join the Roman Church
Frederica Mathewes-Green on Marriage Equality
Damascus Conference Calls on Christians to Remain in Middle East
Ilia II Speaks Out Against Anti-Russian Reporters
Controversy Over New Church in Tallinn
Sunday, December 19, 2010
St. Nicholas of Myra

Saturday, December 18, 2010
In Memoriam: Vladyka Job
I remember waking up in Addis Abeba not feeling well and finding out later that morning that Vladyka had died. I was unable to go to his funeral because of being out of the country, but when I returned to the States I made a pilgrimage to his grave in Black Lick. I do not know what his fate was, but because of changes in certain issues in my life that I brought to him and the continuing strengthening of our Diocese of Chicago I feel that he is still with us, praying for us. May his memory be eternal! Fr. John Matusiak has posted a lovely tribute to Vladyka Job on the website of the Midwestern American Diocese here.
Friday, December 17, 2010
UNHCR on Plight of Iraqi Christianity
Church of Greece Criticizes EU Intervention
St. Barbara the Great-Martyr
Quote of the Day: From the First Hour of the Agpeya
Orthodox Norway

Thursday, December 16, 2010
Epistle of the Synod Abroad on the 90th Anniversary of the ROCOR
New Dioceses in Armenia

Kerala Mediation
Pre-Islamic Monastery in the UAE
Upcoming Anniversary of Vladyka Job's Repose
Quote of the Day: Alexander Pushkin
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Public Service Announcement
"Saint" is one of many words in the English language brought to merry old England by the damnable francophone Normans who many nowadays also like to blame for taking England out of Orthodoxy when they arrived on the Isles in 1066. (It's not true - everything credible I've read places England firmly within the Church of Rome and therefore as much outside of world Orthodoxy after 1054 as the rest of Western and Central Europe was. Admittedly things went back and forth till 1204, but that's not the subject of this announcement, so we won't go there :-).) Apparently many people think it's a title and not an adjective, so I'm here to disabuse you of that notion. "Saint" means holy. It is therefore redundant (as well as highly annoying) to say or write something like "Holy Saint So-and-So, pray to God for us." Either say "holy" or "saint" - both are unnecessary, though God knows we Byzantines have a thing for the wordy and the redundant ;-). Perpetrators, you know who you are! Please stop now ;-).
Many thanks,
The Administrator
P.S. Yeah, there's not a lot of news today :-).
Bishop Irinej of Bachka on the Holocaust, Communism
Bulgarian Orthodox Priests Unionize

Quote of the Day: St. John of the Ladder
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
"Calculating Christmas" by W.J. Tighe
OCA Hierarchs Present at ROCOR Synodal Meeting
OCA/ROCOR Joint Statement
The commissions that drafted the statement were led by Bishops Tikhon (Mollard) of Philadelphia of the OCA and George (Schaefer) of Mayfield of the ROCOR (both converts to Orthodoxy interestingly enough), but the statement itself has been approved by both the Holy Synod of the OCA and the Synod Abroad of the ROCOR. The full statement can be found here.
St. Philaret the Merciful
Patriarch Kirill Calls for Restrictions on Xenophobic Organizations
Quote of the Day: Fr. Zachariah of Tolleshunt Knights
Monday, December 13, 2010
Bishop Mark Received into the OCA
God grant Vladyka Mark many, many years! More here
Metropolitan Hilarion in Armenia

Pictured is Catholicos Karekin receiving Metropolitan Hilarion in Holy Echmiadzin, Armenia.
Pope Shenouda in Retreat
Prince Irmiyas Sahle Silase Made Grand Patron of Order

OCA Consistory to Transfer to D.C. in 2011 or 2012
The statement comes as a disappointment to American Orthodox, the author among them, who had hoped that the OCA would eventually return its primatial see to the more international New York and seek to be a continental, pan-ethnic Local Orthodox Church for both of the Americas instead of continuing to narrowly focus on the interests of the United States' Orthodox Christians. The dream of an international, truly American (in the broadest sense of that word) Orthodoxy that could overcome the narrow ethnic obsessions and phyletism characteristic of Old World Orthodoxy is apparently dead.
More here.
First Russian Orthodox Services in Zimbabwe
Next Dalai Lama from India or Russia?
Lukashenko Denies Existence of Human Rights Issues
Ethnic Violence in Moscow
Coptic Orthodox Church Opens in Al Ain, UAE
Patriarch Maxim "Alive and Well"
Patriarch Maxim was elected first hierarch of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church under the Communists, but was retained as patriarch after the overthrow of Communism in the country despite his offer in the 1990s to retire. More here.
Church of Georgia Open to Dialogue with Church of Abkhazia
St. Frumentius, Apostle of Ethiopia

Thanks to St. Frumentius' labors both at the court and in the country generally, first as a layman and later as a bishop, the empire was converted to Orthodoxy (the second country in the world to do so after Armenia) and church life was organized on a firm and lasting foundation. Today his flock is divided between two autocephalous churches, the Patriarchates of Addis Abeba and Asmera, and shepherded by several dozen hierarchs in the Horn of Africa and around the world. More on his life may be found here. May his blessings and prayers be with the Ethiopian and Eritrean nations and with us all!
Quote of the Day: Metropolitan Anthony (Khrapovitsky) of Kiev
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Quote of the Day: Mother Thaisia of Leushino
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Quote of the Day: St. John Chrysostom
Friday, December 10, 2010
Quote of the Day: St. Seraphim of Sarov
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Quote of the Day: St. John Chrysostom
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
"The Crisis of Consultation in the Church" by Fr. Touma Bitar
Thai Orthodox Church Congratulates Rama IX on Birthday
"Raising a Saint" by Fr. Stephen Freeman
Feast Day of the American Orthodox Representation in Moscow

Poles Protest Serbian Orthodox Parish in Vienna
Quote of the Day: St. Clement of Rome
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
St. Catherine the Great-Martyr

Quote of the Day: St. Nectarius of Pentapolis
Monday, December 6, 2010
Metropolitan George of Mount Lebanon on Islam and Christianity
Putin Speaks on Russian Sexual Minorities
23,000 Churches Restored Since 1991
Constantinopolitan Orthodox Church Prepares Request for Lost Properties
Mosul Martyrdom
90th Anniversary of the ROCOR
Renovation of the New Kursk-Root Hermitage Continues

Holy Synod of the OCA on Autocephaly
Meeting of Romanian Orthodox Hierarchs in Diaspora

The most recent meeting of the Romanian Orthodox hierarchs abroad took place in Paris, but the ROEA has also hosted them in the past in the United States. Since the reconciliation of the Romanian Orthodox communities in Western Europe formerly associated with the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad with the Bucharest Patriarchate the ROEA is the only Romanian Orthodox jurisdiction involved not part of the patriarchal Romanian Orthodox Church. More on the recent meeting can be found here.
St. Alexander of the Neva

Quote of the Day: St. John of the Ladder
Sunday, December 5, 2010
St. Clement of Ohrid

Quote of the Day: St. Cosmas of Aetolia
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Entrance of the Virgin into the Temple

Expect the Unexpected
Your prayers, as always! 'Fasting without prayer is the fast of demons' and I fear I've already fallen into that sort of fasting not even a week into this year's Prophets' Fast :-/. I hope this finds you well in God's mercy wherever you are!
With love, The Management. ;-)
ROCOR Studies Interview with Fr. Pimen Simon
Quote of the Day: St. Paisius of Neamts
Friday, December 3, 2010
Quote of the Day: St. Sebastian the Equal-to-the-Apostles
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Monastic Life (and the Lack Thereof) in Metro Portland
But here in Portland? God knows I'm perfectly capable of doing the reader services on my own, but do I? No. It's been over an hour now and so far I've putzed about the house and online, had my morning coffee, and generally just wasted time. I know the local Greek Orthodox church does some Matins services, but I don't go there generally and so when I wake up I don't know whether it's a day they have or don't have :-/. If there was a monastery, I would wake up on a day like this and be able to think, 'Okay, it's 4:42am. Matins starts in 18 minutes and it takes about 30 minutes to get there, so I could get most of Matins and the Hours in today!'
So, you see our great need ;-) (aka my laziness). Anyone else interested in starting a monastery in the Portland area should contact me here immediately! Once we've got enough popular demand and a few novices rounded up we can petition Holy Dormition to start a dependency out here. I don't care if it's a men's monastery or a women's (okay, I lie - women's monasteries are much cleaner and friendlier than men's in my experience :-) ) - we can go with whatever the novices' gender is :-).
Okay, instead of writing more ridiculous blogs I'm going to go and try to get a nap in before work now :-). Your prayers!
Quote of the Day: St. Nicholas of Libertyville
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Quote of the Day: Bishop Daniel of Erie
Bishop Daniel (Alexandrov) of Erie of thrice blessed memory responding to claims that world Orthodoxy was graceless.
"If I Come, Will I See?" by Vassili Borisevitch (translated by Nikita Eike)
Who came with wounds to see faces without a name.
Names are many;
But One is Wisdom,
His Truth makes merry,
His Love never gone.
You told me to come to your parish Baba, and so I came;
And saw a Christ that God knows not.
Chants and hymns and words and noise,
A choir, to its glory many a sounds;
While His Beauty, while His Silence,
Lost in a world that spins around.
I prayed and begged words of mercy,
They sneered and jeered and showed their teeth:
God, they know Him not.
I am a sinner Baba, a blind old man with two kopecks;
Who came helpless to see more stones answer his pain.
To God I pray and rejoice always;
Every speck of time is glory and praise, love to take and love to give.
You told me to come Baba to your parish and so I came;
Before Hours, there I stood very few hearts with me to cry.
Later, then I came; and in a hall a crowd I saw,
Armed with gossips and lust and lies;
While empty laid a nave;
Ten souls or few, all to slumber.

Later still I came, and I saw a hell followed by those,
Who lit candles that give no light,
Who kiss a Bible they do not read,
Who say words they do not pray,
Who commune with mouths that speak no truth,
For bodies in works never broken,
Their blood for love never be spilled,
Bowing to a Cross their faith won’t bear,
Carried by hands that bless no more.
So I came, and death I saw,
So I came and so I cried.
So I came, and stood alone.
So I came, and so I saw,
Many eyes closed,
Alone I die, no one can mourn;
No one can cry.
You want me to stay in your parish Baba,
But if I stay, thorn in my side, will it vanish?
Blinis and perogies in your parish Baba,
But of hunger will I perish?
Speeches and pride and shallow dreams,
True heart and hope will I cherish?
Ladies of the night, men of the world in your parish Baba,
But if I stay, to rest in Christ where will I lay?
I am an old Cossack, Baba, an Orthodox, a child of God;
I am not a bear in a circus of tears enchained to dance,
for double-hearted clowns who worship a God they do not fear.
It is heart-rending how accurate this poem's description of so many of our Orthodox churches is. Apparently it was written in response to questions as to why its author, a devout Orthodox Christian who had served as an imperial Cossack until the 1917 Revolution, wasn't more involved in the life of the local Russian Orthodox parish where he had settled in Belgium. The poem was originally posted here. The painting pictured, "Russian Pascha Service at Midnight," is by Nicholas Roerich.
SSPX on Condoms
"Anglican Options: Rome or Orthodoxy?" by Fr. Chad Hatfield
I can still remember the confusion and pain at Nashotah House Seminary when the news began to spread that the 1976 General Convention had passed, by a razor thin margin, a canon to permit the ordination of women to the priesthood and episcopate. The 100th Archbishop of Canterbury, Michael Ramsey, was teaching theology at the seminary in the fall of 1976. His powerful presence had an almost spell-like effect on everyone and we all looked to him for guidance and wisdom. In true Anglo-Catholic fashion, most, but not all of us, decided to stay and suffer through! We rallied around Lord Ramsey and other sound bishops, like Robert Terwilliger, and we made our threats to stay and not leave!
There are days now, when I wish that I had been able to recognize that the Anglican house was no longer inclusive
enough to find room for orthodox Christians. It would take me another 18 years before it became clear that I truly no longer had a place at the family table in the Anglican Communion, which had been the very place where I had been formed as an orthodox Christian.
In my case, I fell victim to an Episcopalian bishop who totally ignored the Eames Commission, Lambeth pronouncements and the so-called conscience clause by trying to force me to stand with a woman priest
to renew ordination vows. This action was not long after his promise not to force the issue with his clergy who held theological objections to female ordinations.
The scene was set at the 1993 Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Western Kansas, meeting in Dodge City (a great place for a show-down). When Canon Joseph Kimmett and I failed to show for the renewal of vows with the woman priest,
we were charged with breaking communion with our bishop and the rest of the diocese.
This is a serious charge by the bishop, who admitted that no canons had been violated, but his own rules had been broken! Faced with this charge, Canon Kimmett and I found ourselves alone, with absolutely no support from the small group of orthodox bishops who were left in PECUSA. I had watched this sort of thing happen, time and time again. My family and I now knew that we would soon be joining the ever growing list of orthodox Anglicans who were being forced from their ecclesiastical home. We were truly victims of the PECUSA policy of ethnic cleansing
When your house is on fire, you have a moral obligation to warn as many as possible who are in the house with you, but you do not have a moral obligation to stay with those who refuse to leave and to burn up with them! The question was which road would we walk? Like most traditionalist Anglicans, I had been checking out my options.
I had watched the pitiful hissing and fighting within the Continuing Anglican churches for years. I had come to the conclusion that the main vocation of these various groups was to serve a kind of chaplaincy to small elderly congregations. I had admired Bishop A. Donald Davies for his courage in starting the Episcopal Missionary Church, but again, for a younger priest, this body was a cul-de-sac.
The real issue was becoming more and more clear for me. It was really an ecclesiastical issue. I wanted to be, without any debate, a member of the Church of the Apostles. The curse of Henry VIII had become active and I had to admit, with much regret, that Anglicanism is now and always had been a Protestant Church1.
Rome has been the answer for many former Anglicans who have reached an understanding of this truth about our Anglican heritage. There are many who have walked in the footsteps of Cardinal John Henry Newman, and the 11 November 1992 vote in the General Synod of the Church of England to approve the ordination of women is converting this steady stream into a fast flowing river. Recent converts include Charles Moore, the editor of The Sunday Telegram, the Duchess of Kent, author and priest William Oddie and, of course, the most senior prelate ever to have left the Church of England, Graham Leonard, sometime Bishop of London. Surely then, this is the logical road to walk for people who, according to the branch theory,
are part of the Western Catholic Church2? Personally speaking, as a former member of the Society of the Holy Cross, re-union with Rome was a formal part of the rule of life which I faithfully lived.
I had learned from Archbishop Michael Ramsey that the Anglican Communion was provisional
by nature. I had heard the 102nd Archbishop of Canterbury, Robert Runcie, say that our vocation as Anglicans was to put ourselves out of business3.
We were a part seeking to be united with the whole.
The efforts towards corporate re-union in the last century, under the leadership of Lord Halifax and the Malines Conversations, were a rightful inheritance. In our own time we watched our hopes rise and fall with the Anglican/Roman Catholic International Commission. The work of ARCIC is now dead. The Pope has made it clear that the ordination of women is a most serious obstacle to re-union, calling it a new and insuperable barrier to Christian unity.
So, why did I not walk the Newman path
to Rome? Why did I not take the Pastoral Provision for married clergy, now provided by the Vatican? Surely, Episcopal laity would feel more at home in the Roman liturgy, when comparing it to the Byzantine Rite, now used by my convert laity?
When wrestling with these questions, I was often reminded of the old Anglican cure for Roman Fever.
The cure was always simply to attend a Roman Mass! Post Vatican II Catholicism has a liturgical style, which most Anglicans find simply dull and uninspiring. I too was reminded of something a priest friend often said, which was: I liked Rome better when Rome didn’t like us!
Those Anglicans looking to join the Church of Rome need to remember that the much touted book Ungodly Rage was written not about the state of The Episcopal Church, but of the Roman Catholic Church4. While exploring the Roman Church, with my own ears I had heard radical nuns invoking Sophia and the Mother God. Time and again, in theological conversation with Roman Catholics, priests, nuns and laity, I would find myself defending the Pope and Cardinal Ratzinger! Did I want to spend the rest of my life doing what I have been doing in The Episcopal Church, only in a larger circle?
As I contemplated my concern that a jump to Rome was from the fat to the fire, I was reminded of a saying from the Eastern Orthodox Church—Rome is simply the flip-side of the Protestant coin.
It seems to me, and many others, that Rome is experiencing a re-discovery of the Protestant Reformation with people like Archbishop Weakland of Milwaukee, Anna Quindlen, Rosemary Radford-Reuther and Richard McBrien leading the charge much like a new vision5 of Luther, Calvin, Zwingli, and Cranmer!
I remember one Roman priest telling me that Anglo-Catholics were medievalists caught in a time warp.
My own Anglican theological formation by-passed the Council of Trent, looking for roots in the Fathers and the Ecumenical Councils. Being a Patristics man
was far more natural for an Anglican than to be a medievalist.
I had to remember that the Western Patriarchy, the Papacy, has been in schism since 1054. Any Church historian can tell you that the vote at the time of the Great Schism was four to one. If schism is sin, as several Episcopalian bishops have told me, then the Western Church has been in this sin for nearly a thousand years!
In 1992, I was asked to present a paper at the special convocation marking the 150th Anniversary of Nashotah House Seminary. The focus of this paper centered on two great bishops, Charles Chapman Grafton and the newly canonized St. Tikhon of Moscow. Grafton was deceiving to the eye. He looked every inch a Roman prelate, but to read his theology is to find a strong anti-Roman strain of thought. Grafton wrote that in times of theological confusion it is natural for Anglicans to turn to the East to find our way. Both Grafton and St. Tikhon shared a common vision of Anglican/Orthodox unity in the Faith, but Grafton had few fellow Anglicans who shared his vision.
There were, and still are, a handful of great Anglican bishops who professed that a strong East wind had affected their own theological thought. Men like Michael Ramsey, Robert Terwilliger and Stanley Atkins come quickly to mind. Canon H. Boone Porter, writing in a forum published in The Evangelical Catholic wrote: …the Eastern Churches embody many of the unachieved goals of Anglicanism6
; I believe that the great Anglican bishops have known this to be true.
Orthodoxy is not strange and foreign reading for classical Anglicans. Father Carl Bell (now Father Anthony Bell, an Orthodox priest), again writing in the options forum in The Evangelical Catholic, makes a strong case showing that the Anglican way
and the Orthodox way
are one and the same with the appeal to Sacred Scripture and Holy Tradition. Orthodoxy is the best of classical Anglicanism preserved in our day, with an unquestioned link to the Apostolic Church7.
Anglicans have sought the stamp of approval and validity from the Orthodox Church, almost from the very beginning of the Church of England. Great progress was made, especially in the early part of this century, but, as with Rome, our own actions dashed any formal Orthodox recognition of Anglican validity8.
Modern Orthodox theologians had become an anchor for so many orthodox Anglicans, and I was no exception. Lossky, Schmemann, Meyendorff and Hopko are only a few of the Orthodox theologians quoted often in traditionalist Episcopalian circles. I cannot count the number of times I have heard traditionalists repeat how much they felt at home reading Orthodox theologians but they could never become Orthodox because the Byzantine Rite was just too exotic!
There was a time when I would also nod my head in an understanding gesture when this kind of comment was made, so I expect many doubters when I now, in all honesty, after six months as an Eastern Rite priest, write what follows. I understand your concerns, but I can tell you that the Liturgies of St. John Chrysostom and St. Basil no longer seem complicated and long. They are now exciting and re-newing. Having made a choice between the modern Roman Rite, formal BCP worship, and the Byzantine Rite, I am now delighted and thankful to worship with the Fathers. Orthodoxy is right belief and right worship.
As a married priest, my wife and family also had to look at options. The Roman Pastoral Provision would have made my wife an exception.
She is, indeed, exceptional, but she is not an exception! That she is a vital part of my life and ministry is fully understood in Orthodoxy. In the Orthodox tradition the priest’s wife is, in fact, highly exalted. My wife is learning the wonderful role of being the Khouria9. So often the married Anglican priest who takes the Pastoral Provision is not given a parish. In Orthodoxy, parish priests are normally married.
Children are also normative in Orthodox clergy families and what a joy it is to see the high priority that young people have in the Orthodox Church. My eldest son was excluded from Episcopalian campus activities due to his conservative Christian views. He found the Roman campus ministry just as secularized and strange as Canterbury House. The only difference was that it was so much bigger. Now, as an Orthodox student, he finds that he is in complete theological harmony with his fellow Orthodox students and faculty. He is, in fact, the President of the University of Kansas Orthodox Student Fellowship, which is a far cry from the reception he got in the other places. In Orthodoxy I no longer worry about what my children will experience or be taught when they attend a church function away from their own parish. I could not say the same if we were part of the Roman Catholic Church. Who can guess what strange ideas Roman nuns promote these days at Catholic Youth events?
In a reflection paper, written by Fr. Peter Geldard, former General-Secretary of the English Church Union, three questions are put to Anglicans who are looking at their options. They are as follows:
- Does the Church in which I wish to be sustained guarantee me the continual grace and comfort of the sacraments as they were instituted by Christ?
- Does my choice work for the building-up and the unity of the Church or its further disintegration?
- Is it a Church into which I wish to inculcate my children and grand-children because I am convinced of its future and its ability to convert our nation10?
In Holy Orthodoxy I can give a most vigorous Yes!
to each of these questions. I could not give the same response if I were part of the current American Roman Catholic scene. In the Roman Church, I would still be defending the Church of God. I would be finding like minded groups striving to be the Church within the Church.
As a member of the Orthodox Church, I no longer defend the Church; She defends me.
- For a recent theological history on the nature of Anglicanism see: Aidan Nichols, O.P., The Panther and the Hind; Edinburgh 1993.
- See Gregory Mathews-Green,
Whither the Branch Theory,
The Anglican/Orthodox Pilgrim, Vol. 2, No. 4. - Comments made at the 1989 North American Conference of Cathedral Deans in response to questions regarding ecumenism. See also: Robert Runcie, The Unity We Seek; London 1989.
- Donna Steichen, Ungodly Rage: The Hidden Face of Catholic Feminism, San Francisco 1994.
- See E. C. Miller, Jr., Toward A Fuller Vision, Wilton, Ct. 1984, for a complete development of this Anglican/Orthodox vision.
- H. Boone Porter,
An Unexplored Territory,
The Evangelical Catholic, Vol. XIV, No. 8, March/April 1992, p. 14. - Fr. Carl Bell,
A New and Unknown World,
The Evangelical Catholic, Vol. XIV, No. 8, March/April 1992, p. 11. - See address by Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomaio to the Church of England General Synod, November 1993. Eastern Churches Journal, Vol. 1, No. 1, Winter 1993/94.
- Khouria is the Arabic term for the wife of a priest. Presbytera is the common term for Greek Orthodox Christians and Matushka for Russian Orthodox. Thus, just as I would be addressed as Fr. Chad, my wife would be addressed as Khouria Shelley.
- Unpublished paper written by Peter Geldard;
Exploring the Future,