I used to think that I had a pretty good idea of who the Saints of North America were. Yes, of course I realized that the Saints we glorify are only a fraction of those saved by God, but that aside I was pretty sure I knew all the guys in the icons - Sts. Herman of Alaska, Tikhon of

It took me a while to find information on many of these Saints of God, both the unrecognized and even the recognized, so I want to put links for the basics of their lives here on my blog. I hope whoever reads their lives will be touched and strengthened by both the reading and the Saints' prayers. If there are any others I have not listed here, please let me know! This is a small work, but I do it in memory of the servant of God Joshua, who fell asleep in the Lord on 21 August 2007. As I come across new-to-me saints I will be sure to include them here!
Alright, here are the links:
St. Alexander (Hotovitsky) of New York
St. Alexis (Toth) of Minneapolis and Wilkes-Barre
St. Anatolius (Kamenskiy) of Sitka and Minneapolis
St. Barnabas (Nastich) of Gary
St. Basil (Martysz) of Afognak and Vostok
St. Brendan the Navigator
St. Elijah (Zotikov) of New York
St. Herman of Alaska
St. Innocent (Veniaminov) of Alaska
St. Jacob (Netsvetov) of Alaska
St. John (Kochurov) of Chicago
St. John (Maximovich) the Wonderworker of San Francisco
St. Juvenaly (Hovorukhin) the New Martyr of Alaska
St. Mardarius (Uskokovich) of Libertyville
St. Nicholas (Velimirovich) of Libertyville and South Canaan
St. Peter the Aleut New Martyr
St. Raphael (Hawaweeny) of Brooklyn
St. Sebastian (Dabovich) of Jackson
St. Seraphim (Samoilovich) of Sitka
St. Tikhon (Belavin) of San Francisco and New York
Not Glorified:
St. Jacob (Korchinskiy) of Honolulu
St. Leontius (Turkevich) of Chicago and New York (Under consideration for glorification by the American Orthodox Church.)
St. Olga (Michael) of Alaska (Under consideration for glorification by the American Orthodox Church.)
St. Philaret (Voznesensky) the Confessor of New York (St. Philaret's relics have been found to be incorrupt, but so far he has only been glorified by several schisms from the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad.)
St. Seraphim (Rose) of Platina (Under consideration for glorification by the Serbian Orthodox Church.)
Of Interest:
Archbishop Avercius (Taushev) of Jordanville (It's been a while since I did much reading on Vladyka Averky, but I believe he's been glorified by a schism from the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad.)
Protopresbyter Alexander (Schmemann) of New York
Abbess Alexandra (Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen) of Ellwood City
Archbishop Andrew (Rymarenko) of Novo Diveyevo and Rockland
Abbess Ariadna of San Francisco
Archbishop Arsenius (Chahovtsev) of Winnipeg (Under consideration for glorification by the American Orthodox Church.)
Archimandrite Basil (Philippov) of Chicago and South Canaan (More later here. There's nothing online and I only just heard of him through a personal story told me by an Evangelical Protestant acquaintance from South Canaan.)(I'm still looking for more information on Fr. Basil to post here. Anything you know would be welcome!)(An article was recently posted on Pravoslavie, which I've linked to as I believe Archimandrite Basil (Philippov) and Monk Basil are likely the same man. May his memory be eternal!)
Abbess Benedicta (Braga) of Rives Junction
Bishop Cyrus (al-Anba Bishoy) of the Mojave
Archimandrite Gerasim (Schmaltz) of Spruce Island and Alaska
Priest John (Karastamatis) of Santa Cruz (Venerated by some Greek Orthodox Christians.)
Priest Joseph Xanthopoulos
Brother Joseph Muñoz-Cortes
Mother Michaella Altschul of Kansas City
Priest Nicholas (Yanney) of Kearney
Archimandrite Roman (Braga) of Rives Junction
Archimandrite Theoclitus (Triantafilides) of San Francisco and Galveston