But what really struck me was St. Seraphim himself. I walked into Holy Trinity Cathedral (where his relics rest) with a divided and troubled heart, having not really prayed for days (possibly weeks) and not expecting anything particularly noteworthy, and was suddenly hit by a wave of peace and...presence. St. Seraphim was there. I wasn't even sure where his relics were for a moment, but I knew he was there.
I struggle and I doubt, but I cannot doubt the realness of Orthodoxy. It has its problems and its failings, but I've experienced the joy of Pascha and felt it in the living presence of a monk who died 178 years ago. How can I not believe? I hope and pray that St. Seraphim's blessings, and most especially his joy and his peace, are with you today.
More on St. Seraphim's life can be found here.
Thank you for sharing your beautiful experience with St. Seraphim, my patron saint. I often doubt and struggle. I have children who have grown or run away from the church. Our little parish has many struggles to survive. In spite of all this, I can say along with you that "I cannot doubt the realness of Orthodoxy".