
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

New ACROD Bishop Formally Elected in Constantinople

The Holy Synod of the Constantinopolitan Orthodox Church has formally elected Greek-American Archimandrite Grigorios (Tatsis) as Bishop of Nyssa and the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese. Ordained to the priesthood in 2007, prior to his nomination and election to the episcopacy Bishop-elect Gregory served as a parish priest in the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Atlanta for a little under a year and a half.

The date of the bishop-elect's consecration, to be held at the diocesan cathedral in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, has yet to be determined. More here.


  1. A Greek, I see. I wonder what the Carpatho-Russians make of that. Is he au fait with their traditions and customs? Presumably he will be willing to familiarise himself with them.

    It seems an unusual arrangement to me but perhaps I just know too little about these things.

  2. Indeed - it'll be interesting to see how it all works out. Maybe they'll end up in the OCA after all ;-). (Thank God he had the decency to translate his name into English - I'm getting tired of all these convertsy/Greeks/Russians who think you have to transliterate your name from Greek/Slavonic for it to be really Orthodox.)
